Jean Sergent (SGCNZ SWFSS 1997-99, SG IAF 2015)

Jean Sergent was part of SGCNZ Sheilah Winn Festival of Shakespeare in Schools (now UOSWSF) in 1997, 1998, and 1999 when she was a student at Wellington East Girls College.

Jean works in Wellington, and has performed Shakespeare with the likes of The Bacchanals, Three Spoon Theatre, and Wellington Summer Shakespeare. Jean’s favourite Shakespeare roles from her career are Volumnia in Coriolanus and Apemantus in Timon of Athens. In 2015, Jean accepted the invitation to be part of the Shakespeare’s Globe International Actors’ Fellowship. A highlight of the fellowship was performing Lady Macbeth on the Globe stage with Alexandre Guanse, one of the French fellows, as her Macbeth. In 2016 Jean and some of the other 2015 fellows formed the International Actors Ensemble (IAE), who spent July 2016 at a residency in Jalapa, Mexico, working on The Comedy of Errors.