Shakespeare Globe Centre New Zealand
Our Vision
SGCNZ’s vision is to transform lives by mentoring potential through experiencing Shakespeare.
They were all buzzing about William Shakespeare!
Observing my fellow SGCNZ YSC Alumni as we do what we love most – Shakespeare – is a truly inspiring testament to how we have flourished under the tutelage and encouragement of SGCNZ’s programmes. Its influence is long-standing and wide-reaching, and I am incredibly indebted to how it has shaped me and my future. – Celeste Oram.
SGCNZ Personnel
Vice-Regal Patron: Her Excellency The Rt Honourable Dame Cindy Kiro GNZM, QSO, Governor-General of New Zealand;
Patrons – Robyn Malcolm MNZM, Sir Sam Neill KNZM OBE
Trust Board
Paul Foster-Bell – Chair
Dawn Sanders ONZM, QSM – CEO, Trustee & Member Shakespeare Globe Council, London
Johan Barton, Aaron Hape, Neil Strom, Vivienne Thomson; Bronwyn Turei; Professor Stuart Young; Stella Kanu (CEO Shakespeare’s Globe) – Globe Associate Trustee; – Associate Trustee; Youth Observers – Hakaia Daly, Nishaa Senarath Dassanayake
Co-opted Roles
Finance Administrator – Jan Bergquist; Accent on Shakespeare – SGCNZ News Editor – Leigh Bredenkamp
Arts Events & Admin Manager – Janet Davies
SGCNZ’s key strategic objectives are:
Our Objectives
Manaaki – to provide opportunities for personal and professional development.
Pūkenga – to develop life skills.
Hauora – to build resilience and wellbeing.
Whanau – to connect people, regionally, nationally, and globally.
Tautoko – to include and unite people from diverse backgrounds.
Mahi hou – to inspire creativity and innovation.
Atawhai – to cultivate empathetic communication.
Mana – to enhance confidence with gravitas.
Shakespeare Globe Centre New Zealand (SGCNZ) is an organisation which focuses on mentoring and enhancing life skills through Shakespeare. It interacts and collaborates with Shakespeare’s Globe in London.
SGCNZ was founded in 1991. By the end of our 31st year in 2022, 140 000+ students had been involved in our festivals and associated activities. Providing educational opportunities for people of all ages – primary, secondary, tertiary, emerging and professional theatre practitioners, teachers, corporate sector and lovers of Shakespeare – SGCNZ helps lift Shakespeare from the page to performance and other highly imaginative manifestations.
Our Pukenga of young people, mahi hou and communication, collaboration, literacy and at the same time their leadership, self-preservation, self-confidence, self-esteem, team work, team management and performance evaluation are just some of the key skills SGCNZ enhances.
A type of ‘cultural united nations’, SGCNZ embraces ethnic, gender and socio-economic sectors, by providing opportunities for all to realise their potential on stage through our festivals, its flow on activities, and the associated competitions in costume design and poster, video title card and static image design, music composition and writing. Interns from universities around the globe and local volunteers gain invaluable arts administration work experience.
SGCNZ encourages people to relish the richness of language, have fun with figures of speech, explore literature and let their imaginary forces work…!
SGCNZ Statistics
as at our 31st Year in 2022
- Over 131 500 high school age students have participated in the Shakespeare Globe Center New Zealand’ University of Otago Sheilah Winn Shakespeare Festivals (SGCNZ UOSWS) in 28 years
- Over 1223 high school students have been selected to attend SGCNZ’s National Shakespeare Schools Production week
- Over 600 high school students have performed at Shakespeare’s Globe, London as members of SGCNZ Young Shakespeare Company
- Approx 1135 primary age students have performed in our annual Primarily Playing with Shakespeare production
- 19 mid-career actors have been selected by SGCNZ for the former Shakespeare’s Globe International Actor Fellowship programme
- 24 New Zealanders have been Interns at Shakespeare’s Globe, London
- 60 teachers have studied at the Globe as members of SGCNZ Teachers Go Global
Shakespeare Globe Centre New Zealand most gratefully acknowledges the support from the following:
