Contact Us
Physical Address
Shakespeare Globe Centre New Zealand
Level 1, Toi Poneke: Wellington Arts Centre
65-69 Abel Smith Street
Wellington 6011
New Zealand
Postal Address
Shakespeare Globe Centre New Zealand
P.O. Box 17-215
Wellington 6147
New Zealand
General Enquiries
Telephone: +64 4 384 1300
Email: dawn@sgcnz.org.nz or sgcnz@sgcnz.org.nz
We want to provide the best youth theatre experience possible. So we we would love to hear from you about your good or not-so-good experiences with any of our programmes that we have shared with you.
We endeavour to reply to all enquiries within 10 working days.
SGCNZ Personnel
CEO SGCNZ & Member Shakespeare Globe Council, London: Dawn Sanders ONZM QSM
Patrons: Her Excellency The Right Honourable Dame Cindy Kiro, GNZM, QSO, Governor-General of New Zealand, Robyn Malcolm MZNM, Sir Sam Neill KNZM OBE
Trust Board: Paul Foster-Bell (Chairperson), Dawn Sanders ONZM QSM, Johan Barton, Aaron Hape, Neil Strom, Vivienne Thomson, Bronwyn Turei, Professor Stuart Young, Stella Kanu (CEO Shakespeare’s Globe) – Globe Associate, Hakaia Daly – Youth Observer, Nishaa Senarath-Dassanayake – Youth Observer
Arts Administrator: Hal Martin
Co-opted Roles: Finance Advisor– Jan Bergquist; Membership & Minutes Secretary – Finley Duncan; Accent on Shakespeare – SGCNZ News Editor – Leigh Bredenkamp; Webmaster – The SunRoom
Assistant to the CEO: Hal Martin
SGCNZ Ambassadors: Professor David Carnegie, Blaise Clotworthy, Stuart Devenie, Dena Domminney, Hon Christopher Finlayson, Peter Hambleton, Miranda Harcourt CNZM, Allan & Rachel Henry, Sheridan Hickey, Kimbra, Robyn Malcolm, Arthur Meek, Branwen Millar, Madeleine Pierard, Stewart Allan
Shakespeare Globe Centre New Zealand most gratefully acknowledges support from the following: