Lydia Peckham – 2016
Born in Scotland, Lydia moved to New Zealand when she was 8. She attended Nelson College for Girls, being involved in performances in SGCNZ’s UOSWSF every year. Roles played include Juliet (Romeo and Juliet), Rosalind (As You Like It), Emilia (Othello), Lily (Living with Lady Macbeth), Orpheus (Orpheus and Eurydice). Lydia attended SGCNZ NSSP in 2011 and 2012, from which she was chosen to be part of the SGCNZ Young Shakespeare Company 2013 and travelled to the The Globe and Stratford upon Avon while in Year 13 at Nelson College for Girls. A special add-on to the SGCNZ YSC trip that year involved 3 of the group, one of whom was Lydia, staying on and travelling down to Cornwall where they has final rehearsals with a local Director and performed Prospero’s Tempest, including at the famous Minark Theatre. Her hobbies include songwriting, singing, football and drama.
Lydia successfully auditioned for Toi Whakaari and began her training there in 2014.
She was thrilled to be the recipient of the Chris Parkin Scholarship for her third year of training in 2016 “which has enabled me to focus purely on my third year of study.”
Lydia has been part of several productions including Mother Courage directed by Annie Ruth, Mau a devised piece directed by Aaron Cortesi, Hotel Europa directed by Anna Marbrook.
She played the role of Lucy in a short film Lonely Birds, directed by Ana Scotney and Ella Gilbert, and ‘Lydia’ in the short film Marching, directed by James Ashcroft co directed by Hayley Sproull.
She has attended two fantastic Shakespeare workshops in which she explored monologues of Lady Macbeth, Julia and Queen Margret. These workshops were led by Marcus Graham and Carmel McGlone.
Lydia travelled to LA and London, met up with some “fantastic, talented working directors and actors, saw several performances – my favourite was Cymbeline which I saw at the new Sam Wanamaker Playhouse such an amazing theatre. Afterwards I travelled to India for a month, which was a life changing experience.”
She has signed up with Karen Kay Management. Lydia successfully auditioned for a part in her first ‘TV Series’ (information can’t be disclosed just yet) which is to be shot in October.
“Focusing a large part of my third year on craft, methodology, and character. Some of the things I’ve spent the last month exploring – character investigation in the character of Sydney (American Hustle), Screen Craft, Script Analysis, audition practise, Accents, Clown in the live, and an investigation of the word ‘commercial’.”