SGCNZ COVID-19 University of Otago Sheilah Winn Shakespeare Festivals
So exciting – at last!! With the announcement of the move to Level 2 confirmed to take effect from Monday 18 May, we will do as promised and give you an extra week to get the films in to GlassGeckoFilms.
Glass Gecko Films have devised a method of capturing all the work so many have done to creating entries for the SGCNZ Regional University of Otago Sheilah Winn Shakespeare Festivals, here are the specifications of what is required and how to submit your filmed scene. Please adhere to all the instructions and timings.
The Guidelines for Filming and Assessment have been re-worked to suit the new digital format of the 2020 UOSWSF’s.
We would like everyone to try to get their films in by Friday 12 June – or earlier, so that GlassGecko does not get swamped with them on the closing date of 5pm on Monday 15 June.
Final Registration will be due on Tuesday 2 June. That will give you Queen’s Birthday Weekend (usually the National Festival!) for the final entering and checking of information on the University of Otago Registration page.
Be sure you have the name of the play correctly spelt and in the right line, and the act and scene written as eg Act IV scene iii. Note the upper case A for Act and upper case Roman numerals for the number/s of that and lower case scene and Roman numerals for them. All this accuracy is vital for uniformity and to create a fully professional visual image in every way. Only you can update, or enter new, information on the Registration Page, as neither SGCNZ, nor GlassGecko has access to your password. What you write, is what will appear on the screen.
We also have a new opportunity for student photographers to submit production photographs of your filmed pieces. There will be an award for best photography of a performance. For more information see the Photography guidelines.
We look forward to seeing it, as will all those around NZ and, potentially, the world!
Contact Dawn Sanders E: or M: 027 283 6016 with any queries.