SGCNZ Mini-NSSP Wellington 2021-22
In order to accommodate students from the Auckland region who were unable to attend NSSP2021 because of the Covid-19 related travel restrictions in place at the time, a mini NSSP was held in Wellington in January 2022 with a performance of scenes, entitled Wars of the Roses, from the Henry VI trilogy, on 27 January at Te Auaha in Wellington in a classroom due to ‘Traffic Light’ changes restricting numbers of people who could assemble in one place. The highly intensive residential programme consisted of a series of half-day workshops run by respected theatre practitioners, half-day rehearsals for War of the Roses by respected director K C Kelly and a number of other activities including a mystery tour.
Along with students selected from NSSP2021, some mini NSSP attendees were selected to go to the Globe in London as part of the SGCNZ Young Shakespeare Company 2022.