“I will never forget NSSP 2020. It taught me many things about myself and what I was capable of .” — Caleb Arkwright NSSP Student 2020

Shakespeare Flourishes

Shakespeare Globe Centre New Zealand National Shakespeare Schools Production (SGCNZ NSSP) is a highly sought after golden opportunity, for forty-six young actors and student-directors chosen from the twenty-four Regional and National SGCNZ University of Otago Sheilah Winn Shakespeare Festivals (SGCNZ UOSWSF). They are joined by a winner of the Shakespeare Costume Design Competition as Student Costumier and Shakespeare Music Composition Competition as Student Composer.

This residential intensive week comprises talks, tours, workshops & rehearsals with culminating public performances at 6.30pm on 4 October and 7.30pm 5 October in the Denise Walsh Auditorium at Logan Park High School.

In three groups, the students will work on forty minutes of scenes from The Tempest, Much Ado About Nothing and Macbeth, directed by Blaise Barham, Ben Ashby and Jessica Sutherland-Latton respectively, and performed after only five half days of rehearsals.

This will be the last year of this programme being held in Dunedin, as the University of Otago is sadly no longer able to continue funding SGCNZ’s annual nationwide Festivals.

SGCNZ is now urgently appealing to anyone to advise the CEO of leads for funding, to ensure all of its invaluable programmes and opportunities can continue to enrich the lives of the tamariki and rangatahi of Aotearoa on all levels, from educational, personal through to preparing them with life-skills adaptable to any profession.

Twenty-four of the students will be chosen for the ‘bonus experience’ of being in SGCNZ YSC 2025, travelling to the Globe, London for the two-week course there, and four extra days in Stratford Upon Avon.

For further information, photographs or interviews, contact: Dawn Sanders ONZM, QSM, SGCNZ CEO
M: 027 283 6016 E:

Performance Bookings:


Congratulation to all those students selected for NSSP this year. LIST

SGCNZ’s National Shakespeare Schools Production (NSSP) is a residential week-long intensive course, studying elements of Shakespeare’s works, in particular three of his plays, under the direction of leading directors.

First-rate tutors run workshops with the entire group for half of each day. In the other half the students in their three groups rehearse with their Director, until the grand finale of the week: public performances of scenes from the play each cast has studied. Along side this are other activities that will add to the overall experience.

This year NSSP will be held in in Dunedin (for the last time in the foreseeable future) at the Tolcarne Boarding Residence, Maori Hill from Saturday 28th Sept- Sunday 6th October 2024.


Kia ora, we are delighted to announce this year’s selections for NSSP, congratulations to all.

SGCNZ’s National Shakespeare Schools Production (NSSP) is a residential week-long intensive course, studying elements of Shakespeare’s works, in particular three of his plays, under the direction of leading directors.

First-rate tutors run workshops with the entire group for half of each day. In the other half the students in their three groups rehearse with their Director, until the grand finale of the week: public performances of scenes from the play each cast has studied! On top of this, even more exciting experiences are added into the schedule; making a jam-packed week of friendly faces and fresh feats!

“Here come the lovers, full of joy and mirth.— Joy, gentle friends! joy and fresh days of love Accompany your hearts!”

– Theseus, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Act V, sc. i


This year NSSP will be held in Wellington at Scots College from 24 September to 2 October.  We are excitedly looking forward to meeting those students who will be chosen from the Regional and National SGCNZ University of Otago Sheilah Winn Festivals and winners of the SGCNZ Costume Design and Music Composition competitions.