SGCNZ PPWS 2021 – Julius Caesar

SGCNZ Primary Playing with Shakespeare continued in 2021 – this time with Julius Caesar – one of Shakespeare’s most beloved plays, with all the intrigue, backstabbing, and power struggles that come with it! However, sadly, Covid dictated that the audience would be only the SGCNZ staff and volunteers, students’ supervisors, a photographer and a videographer.
In spite of this, not to mention those famous words: “Friends, Romans and Countrymen, Lend me your ears”, there were so many schools and groups wanting to be involved, there had to be two performances.
On Wednesday 3 November, these were: Karori West Normal School, Crofton Downs Normal School, WHEN, Samuel Marsden Collegiate School, Clifton Terrace Model School.
A week later, on Wednesday 10 November, participants were from: St Mark’s School, Fun Creative, St Peter & Paul School, Kena Kena School, WHEN.
Mel Dodge was engaged by SGCNZ as the Co-Director/Mentor.
Performances were held at Karori Recreation Centre on 3 November and Pataka Education Room on Wednesday 10 November.
From the mouths of the primary age children:
“I can’t believe I could learn so many lines and perform like I did!”
“That was the best show I have ever done, I love Shakespeare!”
“I didn’t realise how rhythmical the language was!”