What is SGCNZ YSC?
The Trip – Project Outline
Each year 24 of New Zealand’s most talented young actors are selected from SGCNZ’s National Shakespeare Schools Production to form the SGCNZ Young Shakespeare Company. They participate in a comprehensive and exciting ‘package’, based principally at Shakespeare’s Globe London, of workshops, talks, Q&A sessions about the plays with actors and directors, behind the scene tours of the Globe, Rose and National Theatre, watch performances and rehearse at the Globe. Over their two weeks in London, they will have twelve rehearsals taken by a Globe Director in scenes from one of Shakespeare’s plays which they will have the amazing opportunity to perform for the public on the Globe stage at 11pm.
In addition, to complete their nearly three week long stimulating itinerary, they move on to Stratford-Upon-Avon for historical Setting Shakespeare’s Scene – including tours and performances there.
The Selection Process
During SGCNZ’s National Shakespeare Schools Production (NSSP) the three leading New Zealand Directors, high-calibre Workshop Tutors, and all other affiliated personnel, constantly evaluate the 48 students and select an exceptionally talented group of 24 students to represent New Zealand as the SGCNZ YSC.
They are chosen not only on their artistic merits, but on qualities of compatibility to ‘mesh’ as a group, ability to relate well to all age groups, being ‘sponges’ who will develop from the opportunity and are willing to give back to the community on their return.
The Benefits
This study and performance tour provides a rare chance for these young people, as representatives of NZ, to work with leading tutors and directors overseas, see some of England’s best theatre practitioners and experience first-hand the Globe Theatre. All of the students absorb the skills they learn and pass them on when they return.
There is a requirement that they either direct a student performance for an SGCNZ Shakespeare Festival within the next two years, and/or give workshops, mentor students and assist teachers. Sharing their experiences they inspire others through public speaking, performing at events and functions, and becoming role models for other young people in their communities.
“I owe the path my life has taken to SGCNZ and SGCNZ YSC 2011. Youth too often wait for things to happen. We are a generation that spends time in front of the television or the playstation; a generation that watches life instead of living it. I took this opportunity and it has extended not just the acting aspect of me but my entire life philosophy. I’m not intimidated by obstacles or by the idea of taking a difficult path. SGCNZ YSC 2011 taught me not just about acting but about life attitude and I know I will benefit from that for the rest of my life. Experiencing this trip showed me that stars are not alone; they are the product of a team.” – Alexander Sparrow, SGCNZ YSC 2011
*YSC 2020 and 2021 were due to visit London in June/July 2020, and 2021 respectively however this has been postponed because of COVID-19.
View the full list of SGCNZ YSC 2022
View the full list of SGCNZ YSC 2021 *
View the full list of SGCNZ YSC 2020 *
View the full list of SGCNZ YSC 2019
View the full list of SGCNZ YSC 2018
View the full list of SGCNZ YSC 2017
View the full list of SGCNZ YSC 2016
View the full list of SGCNZ YSC 2015
View the full list of SGCNZ YSC 2014
View the full list of SGCNZ YSC 2013
Shakespeare Globe Centre New Zealand most gratefully acknowledges the support for the SGCNZ Young Shakespeare Company from the following: